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Word on the Street

"Niti is the best therapist I've had— and I've seen 5 therapists before. She's non-judgemental and very empathetic. She's the first therapist whom I'm actually comfortable telling "I didn't do my homework" or "This doesn't seem to help" with zero hesitation. She's very encouraging and helps me see all the ways I've grown even when I'm beating myself up. She's also not super-attached to her methods at all and is very open to exploring other methods to figure out what works for me. She comes to sessions extremely prepared with different techniques to help me out. Her open-mindedness, sincerity, and skill as a therapist, have all helped me grow so much as a person in these 1.5 years. I've had such a wide variety of sessions with her, and I'm actually excited to do therapy homework, and it's because she puts in so much effort to find things that'd work best for me!"

-- KB, 26

"Hey, I am messaging to tell you that our sessions have really helped me to live a more balanced life. Those sessions have given me a lifetime knowledge and perspective. So a big THANK YOU to you!!”

-- MB, 21

"I was lucky enough to have Niti for my very first therapy session, and I haven’t looked back since. Sessions with her have certainly helped me manage the main issues I’d wanted to address (which she’d asked me to think over and establish at the start), but, moreover, have even helped me grow as a person. I’ll forever be grateful to her - and will always reach out to her when in need. I can’t recommend her enough for anyone who’s looking for a sound, insightful and truly helpful therapist (and I have been!)."

-- RC, 32

"I think there was so much I learned from Niti, and there’s so much more I can learn from her. She held the workshop in a very organised and inclusive manner. Most importantly, answered all questions sufficiently and satisfactorily."

-- AG, 28 (Clinical Psychologist)

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